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Get Involved


From serving on our Board of Directors to providing day-of event support, we need volunteers to keep moving forward!

Below you will find a list of volunteer opportunities that are typically available. If you find one of interest, complete the application form below.

Volunteer Opportunities Available

  • Fundraisers

    Day-of event support including setup and take-down, silent/live auction runners, swag bag assembly/contributions, centerpieces, etc.

  • Interns

    Social media, blog/content writing, video production and editing and event management are some of the areas where we can use assistance.

  • Birthparent Mentors

    Sometimes, a birthmom comes to us who could benefit from being connected with another birthmom who has experienced a similar situation (open adoption now closed, closed adoption in reunion, etc). If you are interested in being a mentor, please let us know!

  • Special Events Community Outreach

    Press releases, outreach to local news agencies and soliciting sponsorships from targeted businesses and organizations, particularly as On Your Feet expands into new markets.

  • Volunteer Guest Speakers

    Whether you are interested in being an emcee/guest speaker at one of our events, an auctioneer volunteering your services, or a birthparent who would like to represent On Your Feet as part of our outreach and education programs, we would love to hear from you!

Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Additional Details
Thank you for recognizing the importance of post-placement support: