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Birthparent Services

Case Management

Case Management

Birthparents have access to case management supportive services designed to meet their unique needs.

Our case management services are birthparent-directed. Case Managers work with birthparents to support them by identifying needs; linking to community resources and providers; creating a plan of action; and monitoring progress on their plan, ensuring needs are being met.

Through advocacy, communication, education and coordination of services, On Your Feet Case Managers ensure that birthparents are connecting to their community; discovering tools to heal and love again; and are learning to accept, move forward and believe in themselves, changing their lives for the better.

On Your Feet Case Management Services include:

  • Assistance in finding qualified therapists, coaches and counseling
  • Assistance in establishing and supporting educational and career goals
  • Budget-planning and connecting with financial counseling resources
  • Help identifying and connecting with resources including parenting and child care
  • Connecting to On Your Feet's birthparent community
  • Identifying and enhancing individual qualities and strengths
  • Advocating for birthparents on their behalf

If you are submitting an application for case management and your agency is not a member of the Birthparent Support Alliance, please note that there may be a waitlist to be connected with a case manager. You are still able to access our BirthmomsConnect support groups and birthmom retreats immediately.

Steps to Get Back On Your Feet

Thank you for recognizing the importance of post-placement support: