Who We Are
Founded in 2001, On Your Feet Foundation was the first organization dedicated to providing comprehensive post-placement care for birthparents. Recognizing the lack of available resources, members of the triad came together to meet birthparents where they are, helping them achieve their goals by developing programs and tools to acknowledge and address the grief and trauma of placement.
Today, On Your Feet celebrates more than twenty years of service to the birthparent community and continues to be one of the only independent, non-profit organizations dedicated to providing birthparents with comprehensive case management services, access to adoption-competent counseling, as well as running online communities, and peer-led support groups, in-person, and virtual retreats for birthmoms in the US and beyond.
We define a birthparent as a person who has placed a child for adoption.
We provide the comprehensive support, services, and community that birthparents deserve no matter when they placed their child for adoption and we advocate for birthparent rights and ethical practices in adoption in order to improve outcomes for all members of the adoption constellation.
On Your Feet Foundation's board of directors, staff, advisory and auxiliary boards include birthparents, adoptive parents (both domestic and international), adoptees and adoption professionals. Our clients have placed in open adoptions, closed adoptions, interracial adoptions, and with same-sex couples. They are parenting other children, are survivors of domestic violence, have had their parental rights terminated, have placed with family members, and are adoptees themselves.

On Your Feet Foundation (OYFF) is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing post-placement support and services to birthparents, defined as individuals who have placed a child for adoption. OYFF is not affiliated with any adoption agency, attorney or consultant and does not partner with adoption agencies, attorneys, or consultants.