We Need Your Support. Donate Today.
For more than 20 years, On Your Feet Foundation has provided support to the birthparent community and continues to be one of the only independent, non-profit organizations dedicated to providing birthparents with comprehensive case management services, grants for adoption-competent counseling, tuition, and emergency rent assistance, as well as running online communities, support groups, and birthmom-facilitated in-person and virtual retreats for birthmoms in the US and beyond.
Your support helps guarantee that we are here to serve the needs of birthparents for the next 20 years. As an independent, non-profit organization, On Your Feet Foundation relies on donations from individual donors; we do not receive state or federal funding, nor are our operations funded by corporate entities, NGOs, agencies or other organizations.
We define a birthparent as a person who has placed a child for adoption.
We provide the comprehensive support, services, and community that birthparents deserve no matter when they placed their child for adoption and we advocate for birthparent rights and ethical practices in adoption in order to improve outcomes for all members of the adoption constellation.
Please consider a monthly donation. Monthly donations of any amount help us better plan by being able to anticipate consistent donations. One of our goals is to reach $7500 in recurring monthly donations. Will you help us reach our goal by setting up a $25 monthly donation today?
Thank you for your support.