Updated for Summer 2021 with two new podcasts!
We originally thought it might be fun to do a blog post about our top 5 podcasts, but then we realized we have way, way more favorites than that! While it may be slightly unconventional, we are instead listing a bunch of great podcasts, and we are always looking for more recommendations and suggestions, so please send them along if you have one. These podcasts represent all sides of the adoption triad, which is an excellent way to do a deep dive into adoption triad experiences that are not your own. (Shameless plug alert: another way to do that is to attend our 2021 Activism in Adoption Speaker Series).
Without further ado, with our two newest finds at the top of the list:
Birth Moms Real Talk: Hosted by birthmom Yvonne Rivers, this birthmom-to-birthmom podcast gives people an opportunity to talk about their journeys, including a vibrant No-Holds barred, Hot Topic segment where she holds space to talk about “The Rest of the Story “in adoption. [Facebook, Instagram]
The Triad Podcast: Straight to the Heart of Adoption: This is Hope O Baker's new podcast, and if you've been here awhile, you know she is the critically-acclaimed author of Finding Hope: A Birthmother's Journey Into the Light, and Activism in Adoption speaker. On this new podcast, Hope is teamed up adoptive mother Shelbi Walker and adult adoptee Sharon Butter-Obazi to tackle every topic related to adoption, from all three sides of the adoption triad. Whether they are debating the accessibility of original birth certificates, talking about the complexity of the Seven Stages of Adoption, or interviewing guests willing to tell their personal stories, the TRIAD goes straight to the heart of adoption with compassion, understanding, and an open mind. These three are having conversations that are raw, emotional, and challenging. [Instagram, Twitter]
Birth Mothers Amplified: Birth Mothers Amplified is co-hosted by friends and fellow birth mothers Muthoni and Emma. Most weeks they are joined by one or more birth mother guests to talk about adoption topics. Birth Mothers Amplified thrives on empowering the women who make adoptions possible and allowing birth parents to speak their truths and share their stories authentically. [Facebook, Instagram]
Dimples and Adoption: It is not every day you get to hear an open adoption story from the perspective of a birth mother and her biological daughter. Dimples & Adoption tells a unique story through the eyes of two strong women who were determined to be in each other’s lives. Not only will they uncover their emotional stories, but create a platform to share a variety of adoption stories from guest speakers. [Facebook, Instagram]
Two Good Mums: Two Good Mums is made up of two women. Laura, the first mother and Peggy the adoptive mother of their two sons. They have worked together since meeting for the first time to break the boundaries of the rules that were set in place that they felt did not serve them and their want to put the needs of the boys first. As their friendship grew they have come to realise that theirs is a unique situation; but it doesn’t have to be. They want to share their story so that others can see how different it can be. [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter]
Twisted Sisterhood Podcast: birth moms remain one of the most silent sides of the triad and the majority still do not get the healing and community that they need and deserve. Ashley Mitchell and Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard saw the need for a safe and welcoming space for birth moms to say “Yeah, me too.” [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter]
Adoptees On: The podcast where adoptees discuss the adoption experience. This podcast is a gathering of incredible adopted people willing to share their intimately personal stories with you about the impact adoption has had on our lives. Listen in and you will discover that you are not alone on this journey. [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter]
Black to the Beginning: The Black Adoption Podcast. Friends Dr. Samantha Coleman and Sandria Washington both discovered as adults they were adopted. Each quickly learned that Black adoption is common, but taboo to speak about in private or publicly. Black to the Beginning: The Black Adoption Podcast amplifies the adoption conversation by placing #BlackAndAdopted voices and Black families at the center. [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter]
Born in June, raised in April: April Dinwoodie began the podcast series with her very personal experiences of adoption and foster care, and then expanded to invite guests into a safe harbor to share their personal experiences and connections to family.In 2017 she added the tagline “What Adoption Can Teach the World” to the podcast and began asking guests this question in order to lift up the lessons our experiences of adoption can offer to the world. [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Medium]
The Honestly Adoption Podcast: Mike and Kristin Berry make it a point to talk honestly and openly about the adoption and foster care journey, giving parenting lessons along the way. [Facebook, Instagram]
Creating A Family: Creating a Family is a national adoption & foster care education and support nonprofit, whose mission is to strengthen and inspire adoptive, foster & kinship parents and the professionals who support them. Their vision is that every adopted and foster child has a family who understands their unique gifts and challenges and is equipped to help them thrive, and this podcast is one of the ways in which they do that. [Facebook, Twitter]
Who am I really?: This podcast is intended to help adoptees explore their own feelings about their adoption, accept their desire to try to understand their own personal history, and decide for themselves whether a search for reunification with biological relatives is the right choice. It helps adoptees understand how others have dealt with issues related to protecting the feelings of their adopted families who may be supportive of the search, or question motives and present challenges. [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter]
Adoption, the Long View: insights about the all-encompassing journey of parenting an adopted person from people with lived experience in adoption. Make the most of your adoptive parenting journey and arrive at your destination in the healthiest, most connected and integrated way possible. [Facebook, Instagram]
This is by no means a comprehensive list! Please reach out if you have a recommendation for us, because we are always on the lookout for excellent adoption triad resources in general, and podcasts in particular. Hopefully, this will become a 'part one of many' series!