Financial Assistance Questionnaire
What Type of Financial Assistance/Grants are Available?
- Financial assistance may be provided for adoption-competent therapy, tuition and school-related expenses, job counseling and job search-related expenses, or interim job-related expenses, such as transportation or child care.
- If an applicant has a need that is not listed above, they should discuss with their case manager to determine if that need is something that could be grant-eligible.
- All applicants must be enrolled in our case management program and be working with a case manager in order to network services and find strategies that are long-term and comprehensive.
Are There Any Types of Financial Assistance Requests Which You Do Not Grant?
- Funds are not intended for crisis or emergency assistance including emergency rent (due within 14 days), past due bills/old debt or car repairs/purchases.
- Funds may not be used for expenses related to pregnancy or adoption.
- Funds are not intended to replace funds from ongoing programs such as Medicaid, Section 8 housing assistance, food stamps, or scholarships, but rather to be an interim or supplemental source of assistance to birthparents.
- On Your Feet may choose to deny grant requests that involve tuition being paid to for-profit institutions.
How Much Assistance Do You Provide?
- Grants are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The typical grant is <$1,000.
How Are Assistance Decisions Made?
- On Your Feet Foundation makes decisions based on the financial and emotional needs of the birthparent applicants.
- Applications are submitted in cooperation with your case manager and decisions are made based on the need, long-term impact of the grant and available funds.
- All applications are evaluated by our case management team, Executive Director and members of our Grants Committee.
How Long Does It Take To Get Assistance?
- Applicants will be notified within two weeks of submitting a completed application and having an interview with a case manager from On Your Feet Foundation. Grants take 2-4 weeks to fund.
Who Receives the Funds?
- Similar to adoption assistance, funds will be disbursed to the organization actually providing services. For example, test-taking fees would be sent on your behalf by On Your Feet Foundation to the test provider; counseling grants are paid directly to the therapist and rent is paid directly to the landlord.
Where do I return the application when completed?
- Applications can be completed and submitted on our website. If you are unable to complete the application online, please contact your case manager for assistance: