We have so much going on this month, as we recognize National Adoption Awareness Month and celebrate our 20th Anniversary, that it can be hard to keep it all straight - even for us! So we put together a little cheat sheet of all the ways we'd love for you to get involved in the celebration - both virtually and in-person - to help us mark our accomplishments over the past twenty years, and to look ahead toward our next decade of service to post-placement birthparents. Pick one option, or pick them all; we'd love to celebrate with you!
Top Ten Ways To Help Us Celebrate Twenty Years of Service
One: Attend Gather on November 6th. If you can join us in person for our outdoor gathering of cozy cocktails, a delicious food truck, a dance performance based on birthmother stories, live music and a live auction, we would love to see you there. Sponsorships are available for families, small businesses, and adoption professionals.
Two: Purchase our anniversary necklace, which symbolizes the adoption triad, each triangular leaf representing the interrelated and inter-dependent relationship that exists between the three members of the triad: birthparents, adoptive parents and adoptees. Makes a great gift!
Three: Donate in honor of a triad member in your life, an On Your Feet staff or board member using our online donation form and select an honoree. All honoree names (first name only if preferred) will be featured in our anniversary video.
Four: Join us for the bidding fun on November 10-13th for a virtual silent auction. A link will be up on our social media later this week: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
Five: Register today for Triad Together, our final anniversary event, to come together for yoga, meditation, and discussion.
Six: Set up a recurring monthly contribution. This type of giving provides stability through predictable revenue, which can be used for staffing and long-term planning.
Seven: Adoptive parents can join the Circle of Good, a giving club dedicated to the importance of the connection between triad members.
Eight: Host a personal fundraiser benefiting On Your Feet Foundation and share it with your friends and family. You can use your own social media pages to accomplish this generous goal or use our new tool Give Lively and raise awareness about the importance of this mission and raise critical funds.
Nine: Purchase birthparent journals published & designed by On Your Feet Foundation directly from Amazon Smile and designate On Your Feet Foundation as your Amazon Smile recipient.
Ten: Share On Your Feet with friends and family so that they can join in and celebrate with us too! On social media, our anniversary celebration hashtag is #OYFFcelebrates20