Wisonsin Birthmothers Retreat, Catholic Charities
This event is for anyone who has had a child placed for adoption, whether the placement was recent or long ago. Join us for a day of connection and support. Activities will be centered around a theme of healing and self-care and will also include some fun crafts like making essential oil roller balls and bath salts.
Feel free to bring along a support person.
Lunch will be catered by Wilderness Resort.
Location: Glacier Canyon Conference Center at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells https://www.wildernessresort.com/glacier-canyon-lodge/groups-meetings/
Register here on Eventbrite OR by emailing or calling Jen Layton: jlayton@ccmke.org or 414-771-2881 x4167. Registration deadline is 9/24/2021. Any questions? Please contact Jen Layton.