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Birth Family Members

Important Links

Supportive Resources for Family Members



  • Sam’s Sister (children’s book)

    Bond, Juliette C.

  • The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade

    Fessler, Ann

  • Birthmothers: Women Who Have Relinquished Babies for Adoption Tell Their Story

    Jones, Merry Bloch

  • Find a Stranger Say Goodbye (young adult book about birthparent search)

    Lowry, Lois

  • Saying Goodbye to a Baby: The Birthparent's Guide to Loss & Grief in Adoption (Saying Goodbye to a Baby Vol. 1)

    Roles, Patricia

  • Saying Goodbye to a Baby: A Counselor's Guide to Birthparent Loss and Grief in Adoption (Saying Goodbye to a Baby Vol. 2)

    Roles, Patricia

  • Dear Birthmother

    Silber, Kathleen & Speedlin, Phyllis

  • MotherBridge of Love (Children’s book)



  • Pact is a non-profit organization whose mission is to serve adopted children of color. In every case, the child is always our primary client. In order to best serve children's needs, we provide not only adoptive placement but lifelong education, support, and community for adoptees and their families on issues of adoption and race. The following link takes you directly to articles, essays, videos, and reviews recommended by PACT specifically for extended family members in adoption.

Adoption-Competent Therapists

Please connect with On Your Feet Foundation Case Managers to find out about Adoption-Competent Therapists in your area.

Positive Adoption Language Resources

Thank you for recognizing the importance of post-placement support: