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Birth Family Members

Support for Family Members Impacted by Adoption

Adoption Presents an Uncertain Time for Family Members

From birthparents to adoptive parents to extended family members, adoption affects everyone.  Whether you've been involved from the beginning or are learning about open adoption for the first time, adoption creates an uncertain time for everyone involved.

The emotions you experience can range from confusion to anger. You may even feel a sense of loss, but above all, you're concerned about the future well-being of the birthmother and her child.

At On Your Feet, we understand that adoption impacts more than the birthmother and child.  We work with birthparents, adoptive parents, and family members to ensure everyone has the resources they need to build healthy relationships so your family can thrive. 

Helping Your Family Thrive

While adoption can be uncertain, the support needed during this time is not. 

Building trust between birthparents, adoptive parents, and their child

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