What is a veteran retreat?
We started the veteran retreat for moms that have moved past new grief and are ready to do the hard work on incorporating being a birthmom into their lives in a healthy way. The retreat is about 50% adoption and 50% being strong, successful, independent women! We want to see you excel in life and the veteran retreat helps provide you with those tools!
How do I apply?
The first step is to complete the application. Please indicate you are interested in the veteran retreat and we will send you a supplemental application specific to the veteran retreat. It will include questions regarding your support system, your journey with your child and their family and expectations for the weekend. We will then schedule a phone interview to talk more about your answers and the process.
Do I qualify?
If you are interested, fill out an application and let's talk! Spots are limited to 10 people who are selected based on their application and interview. Do not be offended if you are not chosen, there will be another retreat and we still love you! You do not have to have attended a traditional retreat prior to a veteran but it is recommended. Attending our Spring or Fall Retreats enables us to get to know you, see how you do in a large group, and how supportive you are to other moms. This helps us assess if the veteran retreat is the right retreat for you.
When is the next one?
We rotate through 3 specialty retreats. 2024 is the veteran, 2025 will be the adoptive/birtthmom and 2026 we will run a retreat for birthmoms in closed/reunion adoptions; repeat. You guessed it, that means 2027 will be the next veteran retreat!
How many retreats a year can I attend?
You can attend one traditional and one specialty retreat a year. If you have any questions please contact Vicki, Jennifer.